Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Do You Start This Crazy Thing?

God, a blog. Whodathunk? Not me, that's for damn sure. Blogs are for idiots who purely want a soapbox so everyone can hear their idiotic ramblings. Some blogs hold a little merit and intelligent thought, but seeing that anyone can obtain one, they're mostly useless, with their dip-shit and dumb fuck authors trying their damnedest to ruthlessly murder the English language.

No one gives a shit.

So, why am I doing this?

Well, I wanted an outlet for my rants, ramblings, random thoughts, lists, political tangents, creative writings, and just a place where anyone who cares can read a blog written by me.

That's right...I think I'm pretty important and it's about time I got a blog.

Plus, I wanted to do my part in murdering the English language. LOL!

(That is the last time you will ever see me type "LOL" in a public forum seeing how much I FUCKING HATE IT!)

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